
发布人:kyzx  发布时间:2019-12-12   浏览次数:306

optical tuning of the absorption characteristics for 0.65srtio 3 -0.35ndalo 3 ceramics in terahertz range

dan li; zijuan ji; chunya luo; jianquan yao;
school of physics and mechanical & electrical engineering, hubei university of education, wuhan, 430205, china; college of precision instrument and opto-electronics engineering, tianjin university, tianjin, 300072, china;

abstract(#br)terahertz time-domain spectroscopy was used to investigate the absorption characteristics of 0.65srtio 3 -0.35ndalo 3 ceramics in the terahertz range. it was obviously seen that the absorption coefficient could be modulated by the external optical pump under the room temperature, and the tunability could reach up to 15.52 % at 0.6 thz. in addition, the micromechanism of absorption coefficient modulation with the intensity of external light pump was attributed to the internal space c... 




elsevier gmbh


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