【建材】 study of optical properties of zno doped with fe-赢三张免费版

 【建材】 study of optical properties of zno doped with fe-赢三张免费版
【建材】 study of optical properties of zno doped with fe
发布人:kyzx  发布时间:2019-05-23   浏览次数:303

study of optical properties of zno doped with fe


abstract(#br)using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, we investigate the electronic structures and optical properties of zno doped by fe with different positions. by analyzing the electronic structures and optical properties of the doped systems, we can theoretically analyze and predict the optical and electrical practical applications of fe-doped zno semiconductors. by analyzing and comparing the densities of electronic states before and after doped, we can draw s... 




elsevier gmbh


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