【物机】胡森《optics communications》-赢三张免费版

 【物机】胡森《optics communications》-赢三张免费版
【物机】胡森《optics communications》
发布人:kyzx  发布时间:2019-06-27   浏览次数:571

staggered h-shaped metamaterial based on electromagnetically induced transparency effect and its refractive index sensing performance


abstract(#br)in this work, we report numerical research concerning a planar electromagnetically induced transparency (eit) terahertz metamaterial capable of exhibiting refractive index sensing with high sensitivity. the unit cell of the proposed eit metamaterial is consisted by metal cut wires with staggered h-shaped arrangement, and can display a sharply narrow transmission transparency peak at 2.653 thz with high quality-factor (q-factor) valued 48.3. through analysis of the extracted surface ... 

optics communications




elsevier b.v.


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